Tuesday, December 27, 2011


One might think that I had given up on this blog since I haven't written in over three months (really? a quarter of a year passes by that quickly?) but I have written countless entries - albeit in my own mind, usually in the shower where all my creative ideas seemed to be awakened, or in the car when I am not otherwise amused by the idiotic driving of the cars around me.

Thus, this entry serves as the finale - not of the blog itself, but certainly of 2011. However, as the ever profound Semisonic croons, "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." I am hopeful that for all the questions that 2011 raised, 2012 brings an answer.

Fortunately, I am much further on my journey than I was three months ago in many ways. I have had more blood tests than my insurance company would like to see. I have had my first ultrasound (and let me tell you - there is something quite unusual about going into a dimly lit room with a woman holding a wand about the size of a turkey baster, knowing exactly where that thing is going to go... You feel this incredibly odd juxtaposition of expecting Moon River & wine with seeing your insides in black and white up on a little TV screen). I am completely, blissfully normal (ha - I wonder what J. thinks of this notion) yet my doctors have labeled me with the letters I suspected all along: PCOS. As grateful as I am for this diagnosis, I know that it is not the best fit. It is necessary for the red tape, the people that need to have something validating all these tests, but it is not a perfect diagnosis.

As Elaine and Jerry once said, maybe I'm an enigma ("a mystery wrapped in a riddle... or a Twinkie..."). I like that much better than the truth - that they simply do not know. I walked away from the series of appointments with a script for a medication, if I choose to take that next step. That bridge will have to be crossed in 2012. For now, it seems most appropriate to end 2011 with ellipses, for this journey has not reached its finale, only a crossroads...